Friday, August 10, 2018

Thursday, August 9th

(Internet was down last night, here is yesterday's blog)
Today, we woke up and went to breakfast. For breakfast, we had toast, eggs, watermelon, pineapple, and guanoabana. After breakfast, we worked on our science experiments until lunch. Some of us went out to the field to find ant colonies, others took samples and collected data. At lunch, we enjoyed burgers, potato chips, and mango-pineapple juice; compliments to the chefs for the meal that reminded us of home. After lunch, we had a two hour break where some of us walked to the Pulperia for candy and ice-cream.

When we returned to the classroom we talked with Adrian about how we can further our science careers in the future. Then we focused on our experiments and worked hard to finish them. Some of us used microscopes to study bacteria, some gram stained, some collected field examples,  while others wrote their procedure in our lab notebooks. At 3:45, we got a coffee break to hold us over until dinner. There has been rain and storms all day, but we are all staying dry inside the classroom and on the deck. At dinner, we had lasagna and plantain chips. Since the majority of us were still not finished with our experiments and because final presentations are tomorrow, we continued working on our experiments after dinner.
Whole research group!


  1. Loved hearing about the ant colonies. Also seeing my daughters smiling face helps. Getting excited to hear about everything! Love you Mia!

  2. Happy to get yesterday’s update 😊. Great to see all the smiling faces too, especially my granddaughter, Kaela’s. Glad you were able to stay out of the rain and accomplish so much for your presentations. 👍
